It's the first day of Spring here (in the Northern Hemipshere). It's also called Imbolc and Lá le Bríde. I love the arrival of Spring 🌿 It marks the the end of Winter and the beginning of a new cycle of life. The brighter days and (hopefully) milder weather are a welcome change. It's a season of growth, and holds the potential for new things to grow and blossom.

*Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophical and metaphysical system that seeks to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. The term "feng shui" translates to "wind-water" in English, reflecting the importance of these natural elements in the practice. The goal of feng shui is to create balance and positive energy, known as "qi" or "chi," in the spaces where people live and work. **The Bagua is a key tool in feng shui, representing the energy map of a space. It is divided into nine sections, each corresponding to different aspects of life, such as wealth, health, career, and relationships. Practioners use the Bagua to determine how energy flows in a particular area and make adjustments to enhance positive energy.
I hope you enjoyed getting a little insight into my art practice and hearing about some of the ideas behind this new body of work. I'm looking forward to seeing how these paintings develop over the next couple of months. Even though I have a framework for each piece, I don't have any plan or preconceived image in mind for the paintings. There is a lot of freedom and risk taking involved in my practice. I don't know what the finished pieces will look like. I allow my subconcious to come forward, I trust the guiding force in my body. Trust is the hardest and, the most rewarding vehicle for my paintings to emerge.
"I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life - and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do. Trust the process, and don't be afraid of the journey." ~ Georgia O'Keefe